Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Not so fast...

Just a quick update: The debut of the new show is being delayed. Until it gets sorted out, we'll still be on Sunday mornings and Monday nights. Stay tuned.

I promise a freak update by the end of the week.

In the meantime, check out this hilarious video with the comedian CK on the Conan show. Everyone under 35 years old MUST watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoGYx35ypus


min said...

Can I watch it? I'm over 35

Beau said...

Hey uncle freddy. I didn't know you were a Louis CK, he kills me when i watch his cable specials. And when are u going to blog about your theory on who will come out of the west and why? I see a scenario where the rockets do get to the second round to meet the spurs. I see that series going to 7 but whatever team wins, I don't think they would have enough gas left to be the Lakers. Whom will have a much easier road to the Western Conference Finals. And the Lakers are the best team in the west also.

Fred said...

hey beau....I will stick that on the Examiner blog once we get closer to seeing the seedings...I usually just stick to the freaks and weirdos on this blog. Basically, my everyday encounters...