parture from spider monkeys, midget strippers and evil clowns.
Photography has never been my strong suit. Everyone else in the family is damned good at it. I always figured leave it to the pros and just do what I do best. (Of course, if I ever figure that out, I will let you know. In the interim I will just continue the never ending quest to be mediocre at everything).
Anyway, here are some recent shots that I hope don't completely suck:
This one I really like. It was in Oakville, Ontario.
Finally, these guys got spooked by the shot and took off, but it made a nice photo:
Anyway, hopefully these weren't a complete waste of time.
You know you have issues when you can't sleep and the only thing on is Battlefield Earth -- and you watch it. Either I am a) old b) really old or c) just watch too many damned movies, since I have 20-plus movie channels and can't find anything to watch. This one is truly awful. The only other viable option was Smokey and the Bandit II, and who wants to jump in right smack dab in the middle of a trilogy?
If you haven't bought the book yet, please do. You can get it here. It is well worth the money.